"nothing very interesting happens in well-lighted places."

copper catfish palin

I finally made it to Apple and got my computer looked at ... turns out it's the hard drive! So, keep your fingers crossed for sketchy-seeming data recovery joints in Chelsea. If it doesn't pan out, I'm having a CD-burning party, and will be hitting up random people for decade-old Rufus Wainwright albums.
The whole thing has made me cranky and has kept me from blogging. So, to keep it brief, here's my top ten list of the new things that are going on...
1. Without a computer, I haven't looked at Perez Hilton in over a month. I'm better for this.
2. I've also started writing in a real journal. It's a nice feeling.
3. I almost got through Kiss of the Spider Woman, but it was just the same thing over and over again. Now I'm onto American Pastoral and I'm totally consumed.
4. I started watching 30 Rock through Netflix, and can honestly say that Tina Fey in practice is just as good as Tina Fey in theory.
5. I'm escaping to Connecticut this weekend and I'm elated.
6. I'm also budgeting in an effort to build my savings. It's tough, but kinda fun.
7. I thought the most interesting thing about last night's debate was the decreased height of Sarah Palin's hair.
8. And I feel that I may start convulsing if she winks at me ever again.
9. I am craving the new TV on the Radio album.
10. Trader Joe's in Brooklyn has significantly improved my quality of life. My belly has never been happier!

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